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Irmandade da Boa Morte article published by THEO

The Catholic secular magazine THEO published my 4 pages article and images about the impressive ladies of the Sisterhood of the Good Death in its 4 / 2017 issue.

In summer 2010 I travelled for 2 month to Brazil where I documented the traditional attire of the Sisterhood in Cachoeira, Bahia. Founded in the early 19th century as a Church-sponsored beneficent Sisterhood for female African slaves and former slaves, it became one of the oldest and most respected worship groups for Candomblé, the major African-based religion in Brazil. Presently reduced to about 25 members (from 200 or so at its height), all between 60 and 108 years old, it still attracts worshipers every year, especially at its August Festa de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte, when the sisters wear their traditional clothes, and celebrate their own interpretation of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The traditional attire is changed 3 times during the ceremony to underline the meaning of each procession. Special thanks to Stephen Selka, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University in Bloomington US who provided me with tons of information and took me to secret Candomblé ceremonies.

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